Who Is a Candidate for a Dental Restoration?

Dental Restoration Kennett Square, PA

A dental restoration can restore, renew and even replace teeth that are in bad shape. They are often used to repair teeth that have been lost, decayed or even slightly damaged from a chip or a crown. However, with all dental restorations, comes the possibility that it may not work, which is why it is necessary to work with a dentist. Dentists can provide a thorough evaluation to determine which procedure will benefit the patient most. 

What makes someone a candidate?

Because there are many different types of dental restorations, it is important to work with a dentist to determine who is a good candidate. It will simply depend on the type of restoration each patient needs when it comes to whether or not they are considered to be a good candidate. Generally speaking, a patient is a good candidate for any restoration procedure as long as they are in good overall health.

Examples of dental restorations

Below is a list of some of the more common dental restorations that dental patients are undergoing nowadays in order to improve their oral health.

Dental fillings

Candidates for dental fillings include anyone who requires a minor dental restoration. Anyone who is in need of a filling to improve their overall oral health can do so, as fillings are a necessary procedure for saving teeth. What will matter is the type of material that is used for the dental filling. Some may not be a good candidate for metal fillings, while others may not benefit from porcelain-based ones. The dentist can provide an evaluation to determine which type of filling is best. 

Dental crowns

Candidates for dental crowns include those who have cracked or chipped teeth. Additionally, dental crowns can be used for patients who have severe cavities. Crowns are a common dental restoration procedure that can be used to treat a variety of tooth problems, including a broken tooth, a cracked tooth and a severely decayed tooth. Dental come in a variety of materials, making it so that there are choices available, e.g., porcelain, ceramics, composite resin. Just like with fillings, crowns too, require a dentist to make a recommendation since not everyone is a good candidate for certain materials. 

Dental bridges

Candidates for dental bridges include anyone who is missing one, two or three teeth in a row, but only if their oral health is in good shape and free from gum disease. Bridges play a very important role in preventing even more oral problems such as gum disease or cavities. This dental restoration procedure is one that replaces teeth, which is important for a healthy mouth.

Get started with a dental restoration today!

In need of a dental restoration to experience good oral health? Whether one dental restoration procedure is needed or a few, the first step that needs to be taken is to make a consultation appointment for personalized information. Any questions? Please call us at your earliest convenience.

Request an appointment here: https://www.leardidental.com or call Leardi Family Dentistry at (610) 444-8744 for an appointment in our Kennett Square office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Restorations in Kennett Square, PA.

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