There’s no need to try and last out the pain: Endodontics

Theres no need to try and last out the pain Endodontics

Pain is one way that the body tells an individual something is wrong. The recovery will vary, depending on whether or not the individual listens to the pain and seeks treatment. In many cases, a patient tries to alleviate the pain with painkillers, over-the-counter medications, and other methods, instead of visiting a professional dentist. When one feels pain in the teeth, it can mean more than some realize.

Underneath the surface of the teeth

Pain in the teeth can be a result of a variety of infections and conditions, making it difficult to immediately discern the cause. In some situations, an individual can actually harm or damage the root inside the tooth. This situation can result in pain for the patient and the need for proper treatment from an endodontist. explains that “Endodontics is the branch of dentistry concerning dental pulp and tissues surrounding the roots of a tooth.” A universal goal many dentists have, an endodontist will work to save as much of an infected tooth as possible. Contrary to popular belief, a dentist will not resort to removing a tooth entirely unless need be.

In endodontics, professionals will perform the regular “as well as difficult and very complex endodontic procedures, including root canal treatment, endodontic surgery and special procedures to save teeth after traumatic dental injuries,” explains. A patient, who feels pain in his or her teeth without any signs of pain on the surface, needs to visit a dentist as soon as possible.

If the root or dental pulp of a tooth is in pain, a dentist will recommend the best treatment. Thanks to the advancements in dentistry and endodontics, the chance a patient will be able to keep all of his or her teeth is greater than ever before.

A common procedure

One of the more common procedures in endodontics is the root canal. According to the American Association of Endodontists, AAE, “Millions of teeth are treated and saved each year with root canal, or endodontic, treatment.” The AAE explains that during a root canal or endodontic treatment, the dentist or endodontist will:

  • Remove the infected or inflamed pulp
  • Clean and shape the inside of the root canal
  • Fill and seal the space

The AAE adds that following the procedure, a patient “will return to your dentist, who will place a crown or other restoration on the tooth to protect and restore it to full function.” A patient does not have to worry about losing a tooth or having to continue through life without teeth. Modern dentistry and endodontics allow for a patient to keep as many natural teeth as possible while maintaining functionality in both teeth.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a toothache or pain, do not hesitate to seek out a dentist and schedule an appointment. Once the dentist identifies the problem, he or she will be able to recommend the best treatment. There is no need to attempt to bear the pain.

Leardi Family Dentistry

At Leardi Family Dentistry, in Kennett Square, PA, we will customize your treatment to match your needs and schedule. Our professional staff creates a calm atmosphere for you during the appointment and treatment process. If you have any questions or are unsure of what is causing the pain in your teeth, do not hesitate to call us.

We will answer any questions and make sure you get all of the necessary information. We can help prevent damage to your teeth and set you on track for a lifetime of pristine oral health. At Leardi Family Dentistry, your experience with us and your dental health are our prime concern.

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