Fluoride Is A Misunderstood Mineral!

Fluoride Is A Misunderstood Mineral!

Did You Know…

Acid breaks tooth structure down (aka, decalcification). Fluoride recalcifies the teeth. This process is known as re-mineralization.
  1. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral in the soil. It was first discovered in Colorado Springs, CO. It was referred to as a serendipity finding because scientists were looking for the cause of spotty enamel and discovered little to no cavities among the population!
  2. Patients who are not cavity-prone do not need extra fluoride. Most Americans, however, would admit that their diets consist of more sugar and acids than is ideal. For these patients a fluoride treatment after a good cleaning is recommended because the absorption of fluoride is most effective and the benefit is maximized.
Fluoride is a misunderstood mineral! Fluoride is a naturally present earth mineral that makes your teeth more resistant to decay and can even reverse decay in its early stages. Fluoride is also known to reduce tooth sensitivity. What’s more, the benefits of fluoride treatments are not limited to children. Adults also benefit from the protective effects of fluoride treatments, especially for those with some gum recession and root exposure. One of the most widely respected sources for information on fluoridation (adding fluoride to drinking water) and fluoride is the American Dental Association. Further information can be found on the Fluoride and Fluoridation web pages of their website. Learn more at our office! Ask about fluoride treatments at your next appointment.

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