ARESTIN® Can Help Your Gums Recover

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is caused by a bacterial infection of the teeth and gums. Symptoms include bleeding, receding gums and sensitivity, and if not treated can lead to tooth loss. In fact, gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss in the U.S. In order for teeth and gums to recover from periodontal disease, it is necessary that the mouth is cleaned from bacteria.ARESTIN® Can Help Your Gums Recover. This is done through a treatment such as scaling and root planing (SRP), which cleans between the gums and the teeth down to the roots. Scaling removes the plaque, tartar, and stains from the surface of teeth while planing smooths the rough areas on the roots of teeth to promote healing. Frequently a local anesthetic is used to numb the gums and the roots of your teeth in preparation to the treatment. Now dentists are using an antibiotic called ARESTIN® to aid in the fight of gum disease and are finding that using this antibiotic with SRP results in nearly 3x more successful outcomes than using SRP alone.

What is ARESTIN®

ARESTIN® is an antibiotic that contains microspheres, which are tiny, bead-like particles smaller than grains of sand. The microspheres are filled with an antibiotic called minocycline hydrochloride, which is released over time, killing bacteria so gums can heal better than with SRP alone.


Bacteria is the cause of gum disease. And antibiotics kill bacteria. Scaling and root planing (SRP) remove much of the bacteria that causes periodontal infection, but it doesn’t reach the bacteria that hides in the bottom of pockets. SRP procedure A locally administered antibiotic (LAA) such as  ARESTIN® helps to get at the bacteria hiding in these pockets. After the SRP treatment, ARESTIN® is placed into the infected gum pockets below the gumline. SRP treatment with Arestin This procedure may happen at the time of SRP treatment or at a follow-up visit. Depending on the patient ARESTIN® may also be used for routine periodontal maintenance. Getting ARESTIN® is painless and will dissolve on its own, so no removal is required. If you’d like more information on treatments to fight gum disease, ask Dr. Leardi on your next visit. He’ll explain the procedures commonly done to fight periodontal disease and share with you his experience in using the antibiotic ARESTIN®. For more information about ARESTIN®, you can also visit the official website at

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