Comparing Denture Options


At Leardi Family Dentistry, we can assist you in comparing denture options. As a dentist in Kennett Square, we can provide you with dentures and partial dentures to replace any teeth you have lost. Since we are a 19348 cosmetic dentist office, we can ensure your prosthetics look like natural teeth and are highly functional.

Comparing Denture Options: Dentures and Partial Dentures

When they are used.

As a general dentist in Kennett Square, PA, we can fit you for dentures when you have lost all your upper or lower teeth, or both. If you only have one or two remaining, you may also want to schedule a tooth extraction so you can then be fitted with a complete set of dentures. Partial dentures, on the other hand, are used when you have only lost some of your teeth.

How they remain in place.

A full set of dentures will surround your gum tissue and remain securely in place as a result. As a cosmetic dentist, we will make sure they look like natural teeth and fit securely, so you do not need to worry about them slipping out of place. Some people use a denture adhesive for additional stability.

Partial dentures are typically secured using wires. For example, a partial denture could replace a missing back tooth with a piece that fits behind your remaining natural teeth and stays in place using a small wire hook. The wire is subtle and typically hard to notice.

How to care for them.

When comparing denture options, you should note that both dentures and partial dentures are designed to come out at night. They need to be cleaned with a soft toothbrush and soaked so they remain in optimal condition.


As a family dentist, we have several other options for replacing your missing teeth. We can provide you with dental bridges secured in place using dental crowns. This is an ideal alternative to partial dentures if you want something that does not come out. Otherwise, dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement solution that can replace each tooth individually or be used to secure a set of dentures. As a cosmetic dentist, we can also conduct a smile makeover to improve the appearance of whatever teeth you have left. This can include a teeth whitening procedure, dental veneers, dental fillings, and other dental restorations.

Preventative Dental Care at a Dentist Near Me

As a kid friendly dentist, we are confident that routine dental care like bi-annual dental cleanings and examinations can help prevent tooth loss. During these appointments, we can look for signs of infections and treat it using our endodontics procedures and root canal treatment. As a provider of periodontics, we can also help prevent a leading cause of tooth loss: gum disease. If you develop the condition, we can treat it using a dental scaling and root planning procedure. This type of preventative care, along with placing dental sealants or offering fluoride treatments, can help keep your teeth healthy and intact so you do not need dentures, or if you do, only partial ones. To learn more about your options, call (610) 444-8744.

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